Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

How to prepare the experimental video

2021/01/19 about BGM & images 能木

2021/01/17 能木

手順 / Procedure

1. 繰り返しマニュアルを読む / Read the manual in many times
2. 動画が必要な部分をピックアップ / Only pick up the process where needs the image.
3. ストーリーボードを作る / Storyboard (1カット3-4秒を6-8つ。6-8 shots with 3-4 sec in each)
4. 模倣品を使って撮影 / Take a video using the imitations
5. 編集(トピック1つ・目標30秒動画) / Edit (Only one topic. Target length 30s)
6. アイテム4つを能木へ送信 / Send four items to Nogi

0. いつも、術語統一・略語禁止 / No abbreviations & No abbreviations, anytime

You must always & absolutely keep the basic two rules. So, the readers/audience easily understand what you say.

1. 繰り返しマニュアルを読む / Read the manual in many times

You must read the official manual to understand the whole procedures, before you start to take a movie.

You don’t need to ask someone’s advice when you understand the procedures. There are often some mistakes or misunderstandings in others’ & supervisors’ advice or comments. The official manual is always & absolutely correct.

So, you must read the official manual in many times by yourself to understand the whole procedures.

2. 動画が必要な部分をピックアップ / Only pick up the process where needs the image.

When you read the manual, pick up the scene/procedure where the readers need the image.
The experimental video is just a supporting information for the official manual.

Since “one shot is 3-4 sec”, please pick up 6-8 topics from the manual. So, you will make 30 sec video.

You don’t need to prepare the scene, where is easy to understand from only the text. You will prepare the scene, where is only hard-understanding from the text.
The standard length in video is 30 sec. So, you will reject the easy scene, such as “turn on the machine”.

3. ストーリーボードを作る / Storyboard

Before turning on camera or PC, you must scratch out your idea and objectives with a pen and paper. Video structure is paramount.
More detail, read the below “5 & 6”.

30 sec video consist of 6-8 shots, since one shot is 3-4 sec.

4. 模倣品を使って撮影 / Take a video using the imitations

Must use the imitated sample/situation, not the actual ones, when you take the video. You must completely avoid the risk in taking the video.

実験は、酸・アルカリ・高温など、しばしば危険な環境で行います。しかし動画撮影は、そのような危険な環境ではなく、安全な環境で行ってください。例えば、ホットプレートを見ただけで、スイッチがはいているかどうか分かりますか? 塩酸と水道水、見ただけで区別つきますか?
You often do the experiments under the dangerous environment, such as strong acid & alkali, and high temperature.
However, You will take a video under the more safety, not the dangerous.
For example, at only seeing the hotplate, can you understand it is “on” or “off”? At only seeing the beaker, can you know it is the water or HCl?

NO WAY !! You will receive some risks during the recording the video.
So, you must use the imitated safety items, unless you need.

5. 編集(トピック1つ・目標30秒動画) / Edit (Only one topic. Target length 30s)

One video has only one topic.
The target length is 30 sec. Since one shot is 3-4 sec, one video has 6-8 shots.

How much seconds in one shot?

You can use only middle 60% area. Top & bottom 20% area is used by YouTube system. So, you must keep middle 60% for the objects & texts.

Simple sentence with larger font size

Let’s use the free BGM and images from the below.
フリーBGM / Free BGM
フリー写真サイト / Free pictures.

6. アイテム4つを能木へ送信 / Send four items to Nogi

Please send me four items of “movie file, manual PDF, machine information, thumbnail jpg file”.

For the movie file, please use the file transfer service, not directly send via email.

For manual PDF, please send me a scan & OCR file

For the machine video, please send me the company name, machine ID number, and its URL

For the thumbnail picture, please send me the below JPG file. Top title & center logo will be automatically inserted on the web.

© Department of Functionalized Natural Materials ISIR, Osaka University