Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

How to prepare the weekly progress report ?

2021/9/13 2-4 キャプション追記 能木
2021/1/10 能木作成

0. In advance / 常に忘れず

0-1. Send me “to Do list & time schedule” / “toDoリストと日程”をメールする

When you have a discussion or receive some tasks, you must prepare “to Do list” and its schedule as below. And then, you must send it to your supervisor ASAP.

Task “@@@@” until @/@
Task “@@@@” until @/@
Task “@@@@” until @/@
Task “have a presentation” at  @/@
Task “submit a conference abstract” until  @/@

Memory absolutely will fade away as time goes by. So you will meet the disagreement with your supervisor, even though your memory is perfect.. Who helps you ?? It is the sent e-mail !!! Sending e-mail will help you against the memory loss or disagreement.


0-2. Write your name & date in any documents / 書類には名前と日付

0-3. Keep the same terms 術語の統一

0-4. No abbreviations 略称の使用禁止

0-5. email reply within that day (Except for the midnight & holiday) / メール返信は当日に(夜間・休日を除く)

You never check the e-mails & reply it in the night & holidays, even if from Nogi !! I know, the night & holiday e-mail is from only crazy guy !! lol (Very sorry for my crazy activity…) However, in the week day, you must reply email within that day !!


1.Start from the outline / 概要説明から

Any report starts from the outline or abstract, which simply explain what you did & not yet. So, the progress reports also start from your situation.
For example..

どんな文書も、完了・未完了など、概要・状況説明からスタートします。したがってprogress reportも、あなたの状況説明から書き始めて下さい。例えば、以下のように。

To Do lists in Jan 18 Mon – 22 Fri (planned at Jan 15 & checked at Jan 22)
Task “@@@@” (finished)
Task “@@@@” (partially finished)
Task “@@@@” (not yet)
Task “have a presentation” at  @/@
Task “submit a conference abstract” until  @/@


In any style, you have to clearly describe what you did, finish, and not yet.

2. “Materials & Methods” and then “Results” in the each topic. / 各項目の実験方法と結果を記載

2-0. Keep the same terms & No abbreviations / 術語の統一 & 略称の使用禁止

Never forget !! この二つ、絶対に忘れないように!

2-1. How many measurements / 何回、実験する?

“Over 3 reading” is must needed. If you want the average, “between 4 and 10 readings” is needed. If you want the standard deviation, “over 10 readings” is needed.

see the below / 以下参照

2-2. How to prepare “Materials & methods” and then “Results” / 実験方法と結果の記載方法

Each topic needs the “materials & method” & “results”. No needed for “discussion”. See the below how to prepare these.

2-3. All the results in the text or Appendix / 全ての結果を本文 or 末尾資料に記載

When you meet the below sentence, can you agree it?
“I got the results value is 10.”
Is it from only one time measurement, averaged value? How about the error or uncertainty? Do you agree it, when it was calculated the standard deviation from only two measurements?
It is case by case you will agree or not.
So, you must explain how to get it in the text or method & must describe all the measurements in the text or Appendix.


2-4. Write the caption for all the graph & tables. / グラフ・表にキャプションを書く!

Do you understand what kind of temperature?


  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
temperature 25 22 28 26 24

Only when you write the caption, the reader understand it.


Table 1. The temperature in Osaka

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
temperature 25 22 28 26 24

2-5. “Results” must need some sentences, NOT ONLY graph & table. / 結果は文章必須!グラフ・表だけはNG!

The graph or table are one of the ciphers. So, when you only set the graph & table, the readers have to decipher your cipher without any clues. The readers need your guideline sentences to break the code.


For example, see the below.

Table 1. The temperature in Osaka

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
temperature 25 22 28 26 24

What kind of message do you get from this table?

“In all the day, the temperature is under 30.”
“In all the day, the temperature is over 20.”
“The average temperature is 25 in this period.”
“Temperate in this period is from 22 to 28. “

Nobody knows which is the author’s message…  Natural for the authors is not for the reader. So the reader must write some sentences to for the guideline.




2-6. How to prepare the “graph & table” / グラフ・表の作成方法

see the below / 以下参照

2-7. Take a picture / 写真撮影

see the below / 以下参照


3. At the end, “Do list & schedule” again / 最後にtoDOリストとスケジュールを再び

You may remain some topics, which should be continued in the next week. So, at the end, you should list-up the unfinished topics for the next week. For example, see the below. When you can finish the all, you will write “no task anymore”.


For example…
Task “@@@@” until  @/@
Task “@@@@” until  @/@
Task “have a presentation” at  @/@
Task “submit a conference abstract” until  @/@


© Department of Functionalized Natural Materials ISIR, Osaka University